Signal tracking, whether for fun, competition or serious pursuit of unknown or emergency signals is an exciting and rewarding adventure.
Dating from the moment of the first radio transmission, signal tracking has proven to be necessary in maintaining reliable services, in research and in saving lives.
SigTrax reduces the headaches of tracking signals, eliminating the geometry and manual handling of maps by
incorporating the power of smart device mapping and GPS to quickly and accurately determine the orgin location of a a signal.
SigTrax makes cooperative action in locating a signal easier and faster by the exchange of tracking information.
This User Guide is intended to introduce SigTrax and serve as an guide to the SigTrax process. Information concerning specific details, such as Settings, are found in the User Guide included in the SigTrax app.
The confidence ellipse, or more correctly, the 95% confidence ellipse is a statistical tool employed by field biologist and statisticians to estimate the accuracy
of Crosspoints generated by bearing series. The confidence ellipse in SigTrax is based on the work of Lenth (1981) as implemented by White-Garrott (1990) with augmentations.
It is not, as some assume, a representation of the precise location of a target given a series of Crosspoints but an indication of the correlation between the Crosspoints.
The user of the confidence ellispe feature should be familiar with the principals, process and practice of the confidence ellipse.
The Confidence Ellipse is controlled in the Map section of Settings and will be displayed when at least one Crosspoint is available. The Confidence Ellipse is drawn on the map
in the map drawing color as set in Settings. The minimum and maximum Crosspoint settings determine the criteria for Crosspoint generation and the confidence ellipse process.
If the SigShare option is active any document produced with the Confidence Ellipse setting on will add the ellipse to the KML file for analysis and display.
GCS coordinates are displayed as Latitude followed by Longitude.
UTM and MGRS are displayed as Zone followed by Band (then Square if MGRS) then Easting followed by Northing.
To change the coordinate format, use the Coordinates selection in Settings.
Standard compass and compass devices, including most compass apps, point to Magnetic North, the magnetic north pole of the Earth which constantly changes as the magnetic north moves.
The difference between True North and Magnetic North is known as the Magnetic Declination, varying by location and date-time.
SigTrax displays the True North (map) heading in the tool bar and beneath it the compass (Magnetic) heading.
The Guideline is a rotatable guide originating at the current device location on the map in the direction of the displayed heading. When
the Guideline option is selected, the map is locked to True North.
The Guideline visually projects the requested heading from True North across the device screen surface similiar to a compass and does not follow the curvature of the earth.
The Map or Guideline can be rotated to the desired bearing heading using either the device internal compass, the Rotation Shuttle or manually using a two finger rotation motion.
Rotation preferences are options found in Settings.
Selecting the Compass option rotates either the Map or Guideline to the heading determined by the device internal compass function.
Read the DataTrax section under SigTrax+ to learn how an external electronic compass can be used in ploace of the internal device compass
When the Shuttle option is selected a rotation shuttle is displayed at the bottom of the screen. Tapping the left button decrements the
map heading by the displayed rotation rate and touching the the right button increments the map heading. There is no repeat function on the buttons
and multiple taps are required to change the map heading.
The rotation rate is changed by pressing and holding (long press) the rotation icon. Each press will advance the rotation rate one step and wraps
at the end of the rate list. Rotation rates are 10, 1 and .1 degrees.
The accuracy of the compass function for any mobile device is highly sensitive. Please read the discussion on using and calibrating the compass by pressing the Compass Help button on the information screen.
For all rotation options, if the location ring is not visible, press the Location button to center the device location on the map. If the location ring does not appear this is an indication that the device has not obtained a valid location fix from either GPS or the subscriber network.
The heading can be entered using either a Magnetic Compass or True North heading.
Latitude is entered in Decimal Degrees form (dd.ddddd). Latitudes north of the equator are indicated by pressing the "N" button while latitudes south of the equator are entered by pressing the "S" button.
Longitude is entered in Decimal Degree form (dd.ddddd). Longitudes west of the Prime Meridian are entered by pressing the "W" button while longitudes east are entered by pressing the "E" button.
UTM and MGRS coordinate inputs are entered as Easting, Northing, Zone and Band for UTM and Easting, Northing, Zone, Band and Square for MGRS.
All methods will create a bearing starting at the device location pointing toward the map heading. Other bearing can be created by moving to another location and repeating the process or by manually entering bearing information. Any number of bearings can be added to a solution.
The Crosspoint button is disabled until at least one bearing has been entered.
The bearing collection consisting of all bearings entered on the map can be saved as an Archive by pressing the Save button and redisplayed or managed by long pressing the Save button or by selecting Archives from the menu list.
The bearing distance is set in Settings as Max Crosspoint Distance and establishes the bearing length for all current and new bearings and bearings from recalled Archives.
Changing Max Crosspoint Distance redraws all bearing to the new length and recalculates all Crosspoints.
A list of all bearing in the active collection can be obtained by pressing the Bearing Button. From the list, a Bearing can be edited of deleted by entering Edit mode or the map moved to show the start point for the bearing.
Tapping a Bearing in the list will move the map to the bearing start point. When displaying a bearing, the map locks to True North, the Magnetic North heading disappears and the True North heading background is shaded to indicate the map is locked. Pressing the Location button will restore the map to the last location and heading.
Bearings can be individually selected for viewing and Crosspoint calculation by selecting or deselecting the checkmark on the right side of the bearing entry. Buttons at the top of the page allow all bearings to be selected or deselected.
Where any two bearing line intersect, a Crosspoint is created. A list of Crosspoints for the current collection can be seen by pressing the Crosspoint button on the Toolbar.
The user must determine if a Crosspoint is valid or an artifact of random bearing line crossings.
From the Crosspoint list, a Crosspoint (identified by coordinates) can be selected at which time the map will move to view the crosspoint.
The Crosspoint indicator shown at the coordinate location on the map can be tapped and a direction map from the current location of the device to the crosspoint will be created.
To prevent Crosspoint clutter the minimum distance from the starting point of a bearing until a Crosspoint intersection can be determined is adjustable with the Min Crosspoint Distance option in Settings. The default minimum distance is 100 meters (.06 miles).
Archiving allows the complete collection (all bearings entered on a screen) to be saved and later recalled. When recalled, the archived set of bearings can be combined with or replace the current bearings set.
To archive the current bearing collection, press the Archive button which opens the Archive creation dialog.
The archive creation dialog creates a uniquely named dialog (maximum of 25 characters) with an optional color for identification when recalled.
The optional color allows for easier visual identification of the archive bearings when tracking multiple targets or combining bearing information from different tracking of a target.
The optional color will be listed in the Archive list as a reminder of the archive color and the entered archive name and creation date are listed in the Bearing list, the list of all displayed bearings, to assist in identifying the origin of the bearing.
To redisplay, delete or rename an archived entry, long pressing the Archive button or select Archives from the menu list.
An archive can be deleted or renamed by pressing "Edit" on the toolbar, then selecting an archive. The option to delete or rename the archive is presented. Press "Done" to end editing.
An archive can be selected and recalled or sent via email using SigShare.
Press to center the current device location on the map maintaining the current zoom level.
Long press to center the current device loction on the map at the default zoom level.
Press to display a list of Crosspoints created by bearing intersections.
Long press to clear all bearings from the map.
Press to display a list of all entered bearings.
Long press to manually add a bearing to the collection.
Press to save the current bearings to the archives.
Long pressd to quick switch to display the archived bearing collection.
DataTrax, a SigTrax+ option, allows bearing information from external direction finding devices, such as doppler systems, to be imported into SigTrax.
DataTrax uses Bluetooth LE (Low Energy) to communicate between the external device and SigTrax requiring the use of a
DataTrax Bluetooth dongle which must be purchased from the SigTrax web site:
When SigTrax is connected to a DataTrax dongle a Record button is displayed at the bottom of the map.
Until Record is pressed SigTrax displays received bearings as bearing plots only and does not create a bearing entry.
Long pressing the Crosspoint button will erase all plot bearings without requesting a confirmation.
When Record is pressed all plot bearing are erased and the button text changed to Recording.
Bearings received while recording are retained similar to manually entered bearings.
To stop recording, press the Recording button which reverts back to Record. Future received bearings are once again displayed as plots only.
DataTrax is controlled in SigTrax->Settings which manages the connection.
Bluetooth must be turned on in the device settings before SigTrax can access the dongle. If Bluetooth is not on when SigTrax is started an information message is issued as a reminder.
The DataTrax dongle does not Pair with the device but establishes a direct connection with SigTrax using Bluetooth. The dongle name will not appear in the BlueTooth devcie list found in the device Settings.
When pressed, SigTrax will search for a DataTrax dongle and if found replace the Start DataTrax Search text on the button with the name and version of the dongle.
It is not uncommon to require multiple attempts to connect to a BLE dongle and on occasion the dongle requires power cycling.
To disconnect from the dongle, press the renamed Start DataTrax Search button.
If the search is attempted where multiple dataTrax dongles are present the first dongle responding to the search will be connected which may not be the desired dongle.
Selects the data format of the external direction finding device which establishes the data format and sets the baud rate for the DataTrax dongle serial port. The data format must be selected prior to initiating the search, cannot be altered once a connection with the dongle is successful and remains until the connection is broken by either pressing the search button or disconnecting power to the dongle.
Static Reference Heading is used if Bearing Reference is set to Static and the reference antenna is not aligned to True North and is the Magnetic North (compass) heading of the reference antenna.
Static Reference Heading is combined with the received bearing heading and the local magnetic declination to produce a heading referenced to True North.
If a low memory warning is received by SigTrax with DataTrax active the current bearing collection will be automatically saved to an archive with the name Low Memory Warning and the current bearing collection erased. When DataTrax collection is halted a prompt will be displayed as a notification that one or more archives were automatically created.
SigShare, a SigTrax+ option, provides a means of sharing Archive details with a larger audience by creating KML formatted files
that can be imported into Google Earth or other systems that accept the KML file format.
With SigShare, the entire bearing collection for an Archive can be view together, made into a presentation or projected in a large format.
SigShare creates a KML formatted file consisting of bearing details from an Archive including starting coordinates in Geographic,
UTM and MGRS formats, heading, length, local declination at the starting coordinates and the time the bearing was created, then
presents a prepared email which can be sent to one or more recipients with the KML file as an attachment.
When a recipant clicks on the attached KML file in the the received email, Google Earth is started with the bearing details mapped and drawn on the Google Earth map.
The Google Earth map is initially positioned at the geometric center of the bearing start points looking down from an altitude of 1000 miles.
The KML file can be save or edited if the recipient is familiar with KML.